Questions and Answers for each step of your ReActiv8 Journey

Searching for a CLBP treatment
Identified as a possible candidates
Elected to receive ReActiv8
Post-Implant & Recovery
Living with
Questions and Answers for each step of your ReActiv8 Journey
Phase 1: Discovery
Initial education on multifidus dysfunction, neuromuscular control, and ReActiv8
What is mechanical chronic low back pain?
Why is the multifidus muscle important?
What is ReActiv8?
How does the therapy work?
By stimulating the nerves that activate the multifidus muscle, ReActiv8 overcomes neural inhibition and allows the body to regain control of the multifidus, providing functional lumbar stability and reducing mechanically-based pain.
The therapy program ReActiv8 uses is simple: using a remote control, the patient activates a 30-minute therapy session twice a day, which allows the system to contract and relax the multifidus muscle via the stimulation of the medial branch nerve. This presents a comfortable sensation that the patient can perform while resting in bed or on the couch.
Patient Selection
Am I a candidate for ReActiv8?
Will this help with my nerve pain?
Can I get ReActiv8 if I have had back surgery?
What if I also have leg pain?
Do specialists recommend trying to get in shape first? Or is this for someone who ignored the pain so long it’s just too late?
If you stop the pain in the middle of the back shouldn’t that stop the pain from going down your leg?
Insurance FAQs
Is ReActiv8 covered by my insurance? (US)
By enrolling in the RSVP program, you are able to increase your access to ReActiv8 through the submission of prior authorization and patient-based appeals facilitated by experts in this area.
Phase 2: Decision
Identified as a possible candidate & making the decision to get ReActiv8
Therapy Options
What is the difference between restorative treatments and palliative treatments?
What are the key differences between ReActiv8 and Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)?
ReActiv8 and SCS are different in almost every way. Most importantly, they each target different CLBP patient populations:
• ReActiv8 addresses musculoskeletal/mechanical/axial predominantly nociceptive CLBP.
• SCS addresses predominantly neuropathic CLBP and radiculopathy.
They employ different mechanisms of action:
• ReActiv8 aims to restore multifidus motor control and functional segmental stability.
• SCS aims to interfere with the perception of pain with a palliative objective.
They have a completely different delivery schedule:
• ReActiv8 delivers stimulation to cause repetitive multifidus contractions during two 30-minute sessions daily.
• SCS typically delivers stimulation 24/7 to cover the pain.
Is the ReActiv8 system like a TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit?
What is the difference between ReActiv8 and RFA? Can I get ReActiv8 if I’ve had a previous RFA?
How is this different from the other stimulators my doctor has offered me?
What sort of imaging can patients receive with a ReActiv8 system?
Long-term Clinical Outcomes
What are the outcomes for patient with ReActiv8?
Patients experience progressive long-term improvements in pain and function, over time, demonstrating a durable, consistent,
and restorative result.
• 8/10 patients report substantial improvements in pain and/or function.
• 7/10 patients voluntarily eliminated or reduced their opioid intake.
*Patients that were on opioids at baseline: (1-year=31/65), (2-Year= 34/57), (3-Year= 36/51).
Phase 3: Preparing for Implant
Decision to receive ReActiv8 & preparation for procedure
Where is the Implantable Pulse Generator (IPG) placed?
Will the patient be able to see or feel their implant?
How does the doctor decide where to place the lead and generator?
Phase 4: Using the Therapy
Post-recovery process & how to use ReActiv8
What are my post-op restrictions?
- There are two incision sites, one central on the back about 1-2 inches in length and another at the location of the battery about 2 inches in length. The incisions will be closed using sutures with either glue, steri-strips, or a plastic incision closing device, then covered with a gauze dressing.
- Do not submerge in water until you have been cleared to by your doctor. You may shower 48 hours after your procedure, and the dressing should be changed with gauze and tape at that time. If the dressing gets saturated with blood within the first 24 hours, give us a call. Some bleeding on the dressing is expected. The dressing may be changed each day as needed after that first dressing change.
- For activity, we recommend to be out of bed as much as you can without exhausting yourself or worsening your pain
- Walking is encouraged. Do not bend or twist to extremes. Do not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk (about 10 pounds)
- Talk to your physician about pain control post surgery. Many patients use Tylenol or NSAIDS along with ice for pain control, but your physician may have a specific plan for you.
- If using ice, ice for no more than 15 minutes at a time, and wait for 15 minutes before reapplying ice to allow the skin to recover so it doesn’t get a freeze burn. DO NOT use heat until follow up.
- The steri-strips or glue will fall off on its own, so do not take them off yourself. Your doctor will remove anything needed at follow up and inspect the incision for proper healing.
After implant, when can I resume normal activity including exercise/physiotherapy?
Can I lift heavy objects?
How long until IPG pocket pain is gone?
How long is the recovery process?
Do I need to have someone taking care of me?
You will require someone to take you home on the day of your implant, but you should be self-sufficient after the effects of anaesthesia wear off.
When does the ReActiv8 Therapy start?
Therapy Usage
How is the device controlled?
What do the therapy sessions feel like?
How long are the therapy sessions? Can I use it for more than twice a day or more than 60 mins per day?
Do I have to perform the session on my stomach or side?/Can I do the session on my back?
Why can’t I do therapy sessions sitting in a chair?
Why does it feel different when I change my position during a therapy session?
What if I miss a therapy session?
Does the lockout start two hours from the start of the last session or two hours from the end of the last session?
What if I miss a therapy session?
One side seems like it starts before the other, then they feel even - is that normal?
When I lay on my side, the side that’s ‘up’ doesn’t feel as strong - should I rotate sides halfway through?
What if I have to use the restroom/answer the door during a session?
How do I clean my activator?
How long does the ReActiv8 battery last?
Do I have to charge the battery?
Phase 5: Long Term Expectations
Therapy compliance & setting expectations for programmings, follow-ups, and outcomes
Expectations & Programmings
How often do I have to come back in for appointments?
Outcomes & Results
When will I start seeing results?
- The majority of patients begin to feel improvement in their ability to function and perform activities with improved confidence between 6 and 16 weeks, but can take longer than the average range in some patients. Patients report their back pain beginning to decrease shortly after they feel an improvement in function. The data from the trials suggests that improvements seen in function and pain continue to accrue over time and are durable.
- To maximize the benefit of the therapy, patients are prescribed two therapy sessions a day for the first 12 months or until improvement is made. When significant improvement is made, most patients choose to tailor their therapy to fit their treatment needs and lifestyle.
- While some patients enjoy their therapy session every day in the long term, most tend to use their system when needed. A few patients have elected to have their system removed after a few years because they felt they had recovered.
- Physical Therapy prescription may also be encouraged in conjunction with ReActiv8.
Have you seen improvement in the quality of life of patients post-procedure?
Future Therapies and Procedures
Do I have it in me forever/can it be removed?
Can I have chiropractic manipulation or deep tissue massage with ReActiv8?
If needed, can I have spine surgery at a later date?
Living with ReActiv8
Can I go through metal detectors or airport security with ReActiv8?
Can I use a hot tub with ReActiv8?
What other devices can I use with ReActiv8?
When can I get back to doing sports/lifting weights etc?
What happens if I get pregnant?
What happens when I travel?
Can I go scuba diving? How deep can I dive?
Can I use heavy machinery/welding tools?
Clinical Studies and Patients Living with ReActiv8
How long has this been on the market for? How many patients have ReActiv8 implanted?
- Approximately 1000+ patients have been implanted with ReActiv8 across AUS, US, UK, and Germany, including clinical trials and commercially. The development of ReActiv8 started in 2008, with clinical trials beginning in 2014. The long-term outcomes from the clinical trials are nearing the 9 year mark and continue to show an improvement in function and a reduction in pain
- To learn more about the clinical studies surrounding the pathology and therapy, visit