Is Your Pain Mostly in Your Lower Back?

Mechanical chronic low back pain results from an injury or stress on the tissues surrounding the spine, including soft tissues, muscles, bones, and joints. Often times, this type of pain is due to impaired muscle control and neural inhibition of the multifidus, which is the largest stabilizing muscle in your back.

When this neuromuscular inhibition occurs, there can be lack of spinal support, causing uncontrolled loading and pain. Watch the video on the left to learn more about neuromuscular control, proprioception, and the multifidus muscle.

Clinical Cues

Find out if you have a condition called Multifidus Dysfunction

Low Back Pain ReActiv8

Do you have back pain, muscle spasms, or feeling of instability often?

Do they seem to be getting worse with time?

Pain with Common Daily Activitie

Do you experience back pain or spasms when doing small tasks like brushing teeth over a sink, washing dishes, or reaching for an item?

Pain with Sitting

If you stay in a position for an extended period (sitting, standing, driving, etc.) does your back become increasingly painful?

Do you have to shift positions or support yourself with your arms because of this pain?

Could your back pain be due to Multifidus Dysfunction?

Multifidus Dysfunction can result from a loss of neuromuscular control. This can cause a lack of spinal support, leading to uncontrolled loading of spinal joints and discs, resulting in mechanical low back pain. 

Watch the video to learn more about multifidus dysfunction and loss of neuromuscular control. 

Treat the cause

Restorative treatments focus on improving function for patients by addressing the underlying cause.

not the symptoms.

Palliative treatments focus on blocking pain through Spinal Cord Stimulation, oral medication, injections, or burning nerves.

Is ReActiv8 right for you?

Complete this survey to see if you’re a good fit

Take the first step towards finding a doctor and determining if ReActiv8 is right for you. By answering the following questions, we can provide you with general guidance on whether you may be a candidate for ReActiv8.

"*" indicates required fields

✓ Valid number ✕ Invalid number
Post Code*
Have you experienced back pain for more than 3 months?*
Is your low back pain worse than your leg pain?*
If you were to rate the level of your day-to-day low back pain on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being very little pain, and 10 being the worst possible pain, how would you rate your average low back pain over the last 7 days?*
Have you tried prescription medication or attempted physical therapy for your low back pain?*
Are you willing to consider a surgical procedure for your low back pain?*
Have you previously had lumbar decompression or lumbar fusion surgery?*
By clicking "Submit" I agree to receive emails, text messages, and phone calls, it may be recorded and/or sent using automated dialing or emailing equipment or software provided as long as my data will be held securely and will not be distributed to third parties. I agree to receive messages unless I opt-out of such communications. I agree to pay my mobile service provider's text messaging rates, if applicable.
By completing the above survey, I consent to Mainstay Medical reviewing this limited health information about me, providing an initial, preliminary assessment about whether ReActiv8 may be a suitable therapy for me, and offering to contact me to provide more information. I understand this does not represent medical advice, opinion, diagnosis, or services in any way, and I must consult with my physician or other health care provider for an actual determination about this product. I also understand that, by providing this information, I am not guaranteed or promised any service or product, nor a final or complete assessment on whether ReActiv8 may be appropriate for my low back pain.

Think Restorative Sooner

ReActiv8 is the first and only restorative treatment option for mechanical chronic low back pain, multifidus dysfunction, neuromuscular control.

ReActiv8 is implanted underneath
the skin during a minimally-invasive
outpatient procedure.

  • A generator is connected to two electrical leads, which are positioned to stimulate the nerves that control your multifidus muscle.
  • You control your twice-daily, 30-minute therapy sessions, which can feel like a deep tissue massage.

Long-Term Clinical Outcomes

Pain and Function Improvements

8 out of 10 patients reported substantial improvements in pain and/or function

Opioid Reduction

7 out of 10 patients voluntarily eliminated or reduced their opioid intake*

*Percent of patients that were on opioids at baseline: (1-Year= 31/65), (2-Year= 34/57), (3-Year= 36/51).

Clinical study data show that patients experience progressive long-term improvements in pain and function, over time, demonstrating a durable, consistent, and restorative result.*

* Three-Year Durability of Restorative Neurostimulation Effectiveness in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain and Multifidus Muscle Dysfunction. Neuromodulation Journal. Sept. 2022. Gilligan et. al.

Backed by real patients with real results

Many people who were treated for their mechanical chronic low back pain with ReActiv8 have seen a dramatic improvement and were eager to share their stories to give hope to others

Talk to a real ReActiv8 patient

  • NAsk personal questions from someone who has been through the ReActiv8 Journey
  • NSee what the therapy experience and process is really like
  • NGet advice and tips for recovery
Learn more about the process here

ReActiv8 Support & Verification Program

Our dedicated patient access specialists will work with you, your physician, and your health insurance company in an effort to obtain authorization for the therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes ReActiv8 unique?

ReActiv8 is designed to address the underlying cause of mechanical low back pain by helping patients restore neuromuscular control of the multifidus muscle.

Why is the multifidus muscle important?

The multifidus muscle is the key stabilizing muscle in the lower back. A single injury to the back can cause impaired muscle control of the
multifidus. This lack of muscle control can decrease the spine’s functional stability, leaving the spine susceptible to further injury and overloading.
Restoring the neuromuscular control of the multifidus muscle can stabilize
the spine, therebyincreasing function and decreasing pain.

Is ReActiv8 covered by my insurance?
By enrolling in the RSVP Program, you may be able to increase your access to ReActiv8 through the submission of prior authorization and patient-based appeals.

Enroll in the RSVP program here.

What are the differences between ReActiv8 and Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)?

ReActiv8 addresses mechanical CLBP, delivers stimulation to the multifidus muscle in two 30-min sessions daily, and aims to restore neuromuscular control to increase function. SCS addresses neuropathic CLBP, delivers stimulation 24/7, and aims to interfere with the perception of pain.

Is ReActiv8 right for me?

Talk to you doctor to see if you are a candidate.

Take the health survey and get scheduled for a consultation to see if you are a candidate.