Questions & Answers for each step of your ReActiv8 Journey

Searching for a CLBP treatment
Identified as a possible candidate
Elected to receive ReActiv8
Post-Implant & Recovery
Living with
Questions & Answers for each step of your ReActiv8 Journey

Searching for a CLBP treatment

Identified as a possible candidate

Elected to receive ReActiv8

Post-Implant & Recovery

Living with ReActiv8
Phase 1: Discovery
Initial education on multifidus dysfunction, neuromuscular control, and ReActiv8
1. Pathology
2. Patient Selection
3. Insurance FAQs
Phase 2: Decision
Identified as a possible candidate & making the decision to get ReActiv8
1. Therapy Options
2. Imaging

1. Gilligan et al. Five-Year Longitudinal Follow-up of Restorative Neurostimulation Demonstrates Durability of Effectiveness in Patients with Refractory Chronic Low Back Pain associated with Multifidus Muscle Dysfunction.
3. Long-term Clinical Outcomes
Phase 3: Preparing for Implant
Decision to receive ReActiv8 & preparation for procedure
1. Procedure
Phase 4: Using the Therapy
Post-recovery process & how to use ReActiv8
1. Recovery
After the implant procedure, you will have two incision sites, one central on the back about 1-2 inches in length and another at the location of the battery about 2 inches in length. The incisions will be closed using sutures with either glue, steri-strips, or a plastic incision closing device, then covered with a gauze dressing.
2. Activation
3. Therapy Usage
Phase 5: Long Term Expectations
Therapy compliance & setting expectations for programmings, follow-ups, and outcomes
1. Expectations & Programmings
2. Outcomes & Results
3. Future Therapies and Procedures
4. Expectations and Programming
5. Clinical Studies and Patients Living with ReActiv8
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