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Meet our ReActiv8 Mentors
She was born and raised on a farm about 12 miles outside of the town of Greensburg, Indiana. She played Basketball at the University of Notre Dame where she was a member of the 1997 Women’s Final Four Team. She currently lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, has 2 boys ages 18 & 13 and is a Production Manager at a large format graphics company, Lloyd’s of Indiana. She suffered from 20 years of chronic low back pain and found no relief from over-the-counter pain medications or physical therapy. After 6 months of using ReActiv8, Rosanne returned to my normal activites and had zero back pain. She has been using the therapy for 5 years and continues to live a life without back pain.
Watch Rosanne’s Video Testimonial.
Living in Crawfordsville, IN and working as a Pharmacist, Jay is on his feet most of the day. He dealt with lower back pain for over 15 years with no relief from other treatments. After he heard about ReActiv8 on the radio, he sought treatment from a local physican. Jay was started using the therapy in 2018 and has continued to experience durable reults.
“I have had ReActiv8 for 4 years and it has essentially eliminated my back pain issues. I no longer have to rely on medications to get me through my day.” – Jay
He is a US Army infantry vet that served for almost 6 years. Born and raised in NJ and currently residing in PA. Damian was always a very active person until his injury during a deployment to Afghanistan. He struggled for 10 years to get his back injury to cooperate with his lifestyle, and tried treatments like injections and physical therapy without finding lasting relief. After receiving ReActiv8, he began to decrease his pain and return to the functional activities he wasn’t able to do before, like picking up his kids and helping around the house.
“After receiving the ReActiv8 device, I quickly recovered and am getting stronger everyday.” – Damian
Watch Damian’s Video Testimonial.
Living in Indianapolis, Indiana, she is a scientist and mom of 4 small children. She used to be a runner and lead a very active lifestyle until her back pain started to impact her life. Whitney was not able to walk more than 1 mile or stand for more than 5 minutes. She was nable to load the dishwasher, fold laundry, play with her children, travel, or do any other ‘normal’ daily activity without being in severe lower back pain. For 6 years prior to ReActiv8, she had tried pain medications, physical therapy, dry needling, chiropractic therapy, massages, and steroid injections; none of which provided relief. In October 2021, she received the ReActiv8 and within 1 month her pain had significantly decreased. In May of 2022, she ran a mini-marathon.
“I have my life back.” – Whitney
She suffered from 3 years of back pain and was unable to find relief from treatments like injections, ablations, and a temporary sitmulation device. Debra was unable to walk long distances or tolerate extended standing, golf, weightlifting, gym classes, daily yard work, or participate in her passion of horseback riding (which she used to do daily). She recieved ReActiv8 in February 2022 and after 9 months of therapy, she reported a complete resolution of her back pain. She has gotten back to golfing, horseback riding, and recently ran a 5k with her family.
“ReActiv8 has been life changing for me. I was in pain 24-7 prior to my implant. I wasn’t able to sleep at night. I am happy to say that I am back to my normal physical activities which include training and showing horses, golf, snow skiing, etc. I am blessed to have my life back.” – Debra
Air Force Veteran, Robert, had been suffering with chronic low back pain for 15 years. He was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis, but was not a candidate for spine surgery. He sought treatment within the Portland, Oregon VA Healthcare system and tried options like physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, combat acupuncture, cortisone injections, and ablations. None of these palliative treatment options provided him with lasting relief. Robert was implanted with ReActiv8 in December 2021 and began to see an improvement in his pain and function levels within 6 months of therapy.
“My experience with ReActiv8 has been extraordinary to say the least. Last fall my wife and I took a 2-week trip to Germany, walking a minimum of 2-3 miles every day on level-ground to cobblestone roads. I never used my hiking stick for stability nor needed any narcotics for pain relief – a couple Tylenol at most.” –Robert
He is a US Army veteran and resides in Covington, Indiana. He suffered with 10 years of back pain and began missing work due to his pain. He tried physical therapy and muscle relaxants without experiencing lasting relief. Right before he was about to apply for disability, his physician offered him a new treatment option: ReActiv8. He was implanted in 2018 and began seeing improvements in his pain and function within 6 months. Eric even took up a new hobby of running and started training for a marathon. Now, after 5 years of ReActiv8 therapy, he works, hunts, runs ultra-marathons, and spends time with his family without worrying about low back pain.
“The opportunities are endless, compared to what they were before. Before I couldn’t walk from my front room to the kitchen, now I’m running marathons. ReActiv8 has given me the opportunity to do new things.” – Eric
Watch Eric’s Video Testimonial.
John M.
Living in Florida, John has been suffering with back pain for 50 years. He was unable to find lasting relief with treatments like physical therapy, injections, and ablations. John used to run 35-40 miles a week, but his back pain impacted his ability to stay active. John recieved ReActiv8 in April 2022 and after 8 months of therapy, he was able to ride his bike again. He is now riding his bike 80-100 miles per week!
“The frequency and duration of the pain is diminished. I’m able to do activities that, in the past, would have created significant pain and now they don’t.” – John M.